Run For Rita 

Another Run for Rita? you never know 

Why We Run

Why the run?
Rita Spyksma was diagnosed with leukemia October 15, 2004.  She lost her battle with this disease on December 23, 2005. She was 31 years old.  Rita had always been an avid runner and had asked us (her sisters and various friends) to run with her when she was better and the leukemia was behind her.  The leukemia is behind her now, that’s why we Run For Rita.



Who Benefits?

The proceeds from the Run are given directly to a person dealing with leukemia or cancer with no stipulations attached.  Our hope before the first Run was that we might clear $1000 to give to some leukemia patient, maybe another young mother like Rita.  The response has far exceeded our meager expectations and we have raised over $25,000 and as such we have been able to bless many families battling leukemia/cancer with a generous donation.

If you have any comments or suggestions concerning the run, please email them to the Run Coordinator, Mary Christopherson: